Mercedes-Benz SilverFlow
The Mercedes-Benz SilverFlow utilizes micro-metallic particles that can be arranged via magnetic fields in many different forms based on pre-selected models. The vehicle, which can be completely dissembled into a pool of ferromagnetic material for easy storage, can adapt and transform its shape to best suit its required purpose.
The magnetic assembler, activated by a simple key fob, creates whatever vehicle its user needs. All of the programmed modes for the SilverFlow are inspired by the Mercedes Benz Grand Prix cars from the golden era of motorsports with distinct low slung shape, tall thin wheels and dramatic open-wheel design.
Any damage can be self repaired and any color/configuration/size is possible depending on the amount of source material available.
Mercedes-Benz Advanced Design of
Design Team: Gorden Wagener, John Gill & Kevin Kang