Volvo Cars Heritage displays the following cars:
Volvo PV655 Norrmalm drophead coupe 1933: A magnificent one-off, generally considered to be the world’s most beautiful Volvo.
Volvo 445 Valbo convertible 1953: Built on the 445 light truck chassis, this is one of five survivors out of 10 originally built.
Volvo Sport 1956: Often referred to as the P1900 this nice sportscar with its original plastic body carries chassis number 1.
Volvo 122S Amazon Coune convertible 1963: The only rolling example of the five open Amazons built by Belgian carrossier Jacques Coune.
Volvo 480 convertible prototype 1990: One of the two prototypes built by Volvo Car B.V. as design and feasibility studies.
The Volvo Owners Club displays:
Volvo PV36 “Carioca” 1936: Only 500 were built of this streamlined pre-war Volvo and this is the only one in the
Volvo 1800S 1965: The winner of several councours awards, this is one of the best 1800s in existence and it is still in regular use.
Volvo 780 Bertone coupe 1990: Designed and built by Bertone in