But how much would it cost to create? Well, according to Greg Pal, a senior executive of LS9, if the company used Brazilian sugar cane to feed the bugs, its fuel would probably cost about $50 a barrel which is a far cry from today’s $130+ a barrel. So what’s keeping LS9 from mass producing its poop-derived crude oil? -Continued after the jump
Up until now, the closest LS9 has come to mass production is a 1,000-litre fermenting machine. According to company’s calculations, the in order to substitute the U.S.’s weekly oil consumption of 143 million barrels, it would need to create a facility that would cover about 205 square miles, or roughly the size of Chicago.
Moreover, although LS9 can produce its bug fuel in laboratory beakers, the company has no idea whether it will be able produce the same results on a nationwide or even global scale.
Thanks for the tip Jose! Via: NBC