No, people haven't lost their mind with the widespread economic turmoil -well, not yet at least- as this Hummer H3 that's fitted with a set of wooden wagon wheels is actually a piece of art created by Matthew Harrison and it's on show at the fifth Zoo Art Fair (17-20 October) in central London. Harrison said that he combined the Hummer's off-road credentials with 'Wild West' wooden wheels to create 'a sculpture that is a mixture of art, engineering and motoring'. Well, in our opinion he should have added a few horses to complete the theme but then again, we're more humorists than artists. -Continued Upon the reveal of the artistic H3, Corin Richards from Hummer UK commented: "Similar to HUMMER, this sculpture really is like no other. As well as being built for action, the H3 certainly has a unique, iconic style. We were thrilled to be approached by Matthew and glad to be supporting his work at the Zoo Art Fair."