Looks like this yellow-mellow Charger R/T Daytona took one Viagra more than it should have and unfortunately, the results are permanent. So what the heck happened? Well, here are the exact words of its seller at e-bay where we found the limo carrying a sticker of 59.900 USD: “This Magnificent Top Banana Yellow Dodge Daytona Edition Charger R/T, which was #745 of 4000, has been magnificently fashioned into an 11 Passenger 30Ft. Limousine! by Razz Limousines of Vassar, Michigan”. Magnificently fashioned??? Aren’t you just dying of curiosity to see what these people wear at a typical Saturday night out at the bar? We certainly are! Via: Motorpasion & ebayTechnorati: Dodge+Daytona+R/T+Daytona, Limousine, SUV, autos, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, autos, Carscoop, images, pictures, tuning+news, car+accessories, bodykit