The groundbreaking ceremony for the new plant will be performed by the Governor of the State of Tennessee, Phil Bredesen and Professor Dr. Jochem Heizmann, Member of the Board of Management of VW.
Production in Chattanooga is scheduled to begin in 2011 with a maximum annual capacity of 150,000 vehicles.
"Our own car production 'made in America' is an important core element of our growth strategy on the U.S. market. That is why today is a major milestone for the Volkswagen Group," said Prof. Dr. Heizmann.
"The American auto industry is wherever Americans -- and especially Tennesseans -- are building cars and trucks," said Senator Alexander (R-Tenn.). "VW's new plant in Chattanooga means more jobs, and not just for the plant itself. VW's investment in the Chattanooga community will serve as a jobs magnet, bringing thousands more auto-related jobs to Tennessee."